We’ve passed the halfway mark for 2024, which makes it a good time to take stock and reorganise our plans for the rest of the year.
Time seems to be flying by at a faster pace than ever. Not so long ago, we were making new year’s resolutions – now we’re almost seven months into the year. This reality can be daunting, but it needn’t be. Used well, this check-in time can help you look at your goals and plans with a fresh eye and encourage you to take some renewed or modified action.
The first six months in review
The first step to reviewing your goals and possibly revamping them is taking an honest and non-judgemental look at the year you’ve had so far. What has been working well and what needs to be reconsidered? This process will help you decide what you want your course of action to be going forward.
The actions and behaviours that are stopping you reaching your goals should also be analysed. Do you need external help or is this something you can manage? What daily actionable steps can you take towards achieving the goals that are still a priority for you?
Practise self-compassion
The Harvard Business Review says self-compassion is one of the ways you can get yourself back on track. Instead of shaming yourself for the things you haven’t achieved, look at how you can be supportive of yourself so that you make better decisions going forward.
Basic steps to get on track
Now that you’ve reviewed the last six months and have opted to show yourself some compassion, here are other simple steps from samuelboadu.com to help you get back on track:
- Commit to a schedule – goals require a plan, so make sure you create that plan and make it a realistic one so that you can actually stick to it.
- Create micro-goals – small steps lead to big results and if you don’t start small, you can never attain those big goals.
- Get an accountability partner – support and accountability go a long way in creating success. Join a club or team up with a friend to keep you on track and drag you along when you’re falling behind.
- Know your why – remember why you have this goal to begin with. This will keep you motivated because there is a reason you want to achieve that goal.
- Celebrate small wins – don’t wait until you’ve lost 25kg before you pat yourself on the back. Every small win counts towards your bigger goals.
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